Wednesday, May 28, 2008

In Their Own Words

At the end of the year, a perk of being a teacher is you get some pretty cool gifts. My favorite gifts are the ones that somehow commemorate my students. Being able to look back and remember those little faces from years past is so cool.

This year my class made me a scrapbook. It is absolutely awesome. It has an amazing photo of each child, a picture they drew, and questions that they answered about preschool and me in their own words. I want to share some of their answers, because, seriously, three-year-olds have some amazing insight!

Question: What do you love best about your preschool?

  • Cleaning, because we get to go outside
  • When I get to hold the flag
  • Playing, because I love to play. Playing gives me the energy to get all that food out of my tummy.
  • The playground

Question: What does Mrs. V. smell like?


  • soap
  • honey-apple
  • apricots
  • flowers
  • like "pretty"
  • blue ballerina
  • peppermint patties and polka dots

Question: What does Mrs. V. wear to school?


  • her bunny hat
  • her Def Leppard shirt
  • her shirt, her panties, and coat
  • crocs
  • pants and crocs and pink shirts

Question: What was your favorite thing you did in preschool this year?


  • Rodeo Day
  • learning about beautiful
  • going on field trips
  • making ice cream
  • making lots of friends

It would be very interesting to have these students come back to me in five or six years, and read some of their answers to the questions they were asked. I wonder if the impression they will have of their preschool experience at that time will be at all similar to the wonderful moment in their lives that I have captured forever in an amazing book made for me by amazing parents.

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